Social media campaigns

As part of the creative team at JUNIQE. I was responsible for the visuals and concepts of some content. The nature of tasks and medium were very diverse, from building the feed, to editing reels through creating from scratch slides for stories.


A part of my work on the JUNIQE’s instagram feed was to select the most inspirational content the community was sharing with the brand, doing slight edit on those pictures and building a feed out of it. On top of sharing visuals of the community, I was creating other visuals, such as inspirational pictures of in-house produced interiors, special giveaway posts in collaboration with other brands or special visuals featuring our artist’s community.

supremiatism collection


For some Reels posted on the brand’s instgram, I worfked on some short videos. Here are two example of Reels produced for the gifting world / christmas campaigns. I worked on the creation of a storyboard for the shooting and then worked on editing these videos.


My work on insta-storie for JUNIQE was really diverse. Some stories were advertising sales the website could offer, some other highlighting artists, or would showcase some trend. Here are 3 example of two artists highlights, for which I animated the artist’ artwork, and one story promoting a running sale on the brand’s website.

supremiatism collection
supremiatism collection
supremiatism collection